Nova Training and Education
for Niche Training and Education Services
Company Profile
Nova Training and Education Institute (Nova Institute) is a member company of Nova Management Consultants Limited (Nova Management) which has a core business in human resource management (HRM) and has professional expertise in recruitment, staff training and human resource operations. With the continuous support of Nova Management to provide the latest labour market intelligence, Nova Institute is able to keep its services and products in line with market trends.
Our clients include corporations looking for continuous improvement in management and operations, individuals wanting to sharpen their skills and knowledge and students seeking for a sound education to bring out their individual best.
The Nova Institute is strategically positioned to assist our corporate clients to enhance their productivity, raise their competitive edge, increase the quality of their human capital and subsequently help them deliver business growth and innovation across their respective sectors through superior tailor-made, in-house and public training programmes.
Our academic and vocational programmes are designed to equip students for a meaningful career in their respective areas of interest and competency. We aim to develop their practical skills and industry knowledge and significantly enhance their employability. Our focus is on partnering leading institutions around the world to offer the best education to our students.
Our Strengths
We are the appointed as the off-shore Programme Office of Guangdong Professional Technical Continue Education Office & Guangdong Professional Technical Training Centre by the Chinese Government. This appointment simply means the Nova Institute is authorised to conduct overseas training programmes on behalf of the Chinese provincial education authority. Such a major accreditation would serve as an impetus for the Nova Institute to continue developing innovative products and services that not only meet but exceed the constantly changing demands of the marketplace.
We are the appointed as the China NVQ Corporate Trainers and Examiners.
We are the appointed as the Education Provider of Islamic Banking and Finance Institute Malaysia (IBFIM) for the Hong Kong and China markets.
We have a qualified team of experienced training, academic and technical staff as well as subject matter experts who possess not only professional and technical knowledge, but also the highest professional and ethical standards.

Mission & Vision
Our vision is to provide participants with professional / vocational knowledge and skills through a host of high-quality training cum educational programmes and become one of the most preferred training and education institutions in Asia. We aim to help corporations improve their productivity, strengthen their human capital as well as assist individuals to develop a competitive edge for a better future.
Why Nova?
For starters, we monitor global industry trends very closely to keep a finger on the pulse of the marketplace. We also constantly identify new and niche products and services to present you with only the best the market has to offer in terms of human capital development. This makes us a cut above the rest.
Over the years, we have worked very closely with various stakeholders, regulatory authorities and governments to bridge a host of human capital development needs. Among them: we have successfully introduced the China Professional and National Qualification State Examination, China Management Consulting Professional Examination (CMC) and Sports Marketing and Sponsorship to the Hong Kong market.
These strategic initiatives have earned us numerous industry accolades both domestically and internationally. Our recent appointment by the Islamic Banking and Finance Institute Malaysia (IBFIM) to promote Islamic finance and banking training and professional development programmes, Shariah advisory, audit services as well as business development consultancy services in Hong Kong and China has further demonstrated our professional competency and resolve in bringing you the best in human capital development and training.
That’s not all. From time to time, we have also helped business partners to open new markets in Hong Kong, China and other parts of Asia. We have an efficient team of professionals and experts from around the region and the necessary market intelligence and know-how to help you grow your business. If you are interested to know more, please talk to us.